Made with Audio Evolution Mobile
Pages: 1 2
- Another song recorded with AEM (0 Replies)
- Song fully recorded with AEM (1 Reply)
- Just released a song I fully made in Audio Evolution (5 Replies)
- A tune I made last year (1 Reply)
- Recorded one song track and two guitar tracks. (1 Reply)
- Guitar plug directly in Galaxy Tab S2 (1 Reply)
- A Study in Sound (Holmesian fantasy) (0 Replies)
- I mix & master with audio evolution (0 Replies)
- Midi thru 2 Keyboards (2 Replies)
- Very, very happy w/ "eXtreamsd" & "AEM". (0 Replies)
- New idea I'm working on "post-morning sex" (2 Replies)
- - Rapper. 125 songs or more (0 Replies)
- - Rapper. (0 Replies)
- 8-Part A Cappella - Do You Hear What I Hear (1 Reply)
- Sound Samples (0 Replies)
- Got an endorsement! This clip showcases the guitar! (2 Replies)
- Here's something from me (0 Replies)
- sending music to gmail from app (1 Reply)
- "Megalovania Excerpt" from the Undertale OST. Check it out (0 Replies)
- New idea I'm working on "indeed" (0 Replies)
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