Hello All!
I have started actively using AEMS quite recently to edit the recordings from our band rehearsal next day at work.
What I usually work with 7-8 tracks of a two hour long session that I need to split to separate songs and then mix it the tracks for each song.
What I do at the moment is:
- Use range to select from beginning to the end of a song.
- Tap on the selected range and select "Save to file(s)"
- Write name for each file trying to remember which track is which since it does not tell you the name of the track but just the number. Track1 instead of Guitar as the file was named as.
- Open a new project
- Import the 7-8 audio files that were cut
- And mix.
What I would like is somehow to use the split function to do something similar. As in create sound clips in the same project, select the clips and create a new project with those clips.
Anyone else has a better way of doing this ?
P.S: I think the "Active" split behavior is not working since it is doing the same thing no matter which behavior I choose... Because selecting multiple tracks and splitting them at the marker would be awesome. Right now I am splitting each file at the grid mark by clicking each one...
Hey. You should maybe do something like use the range tool to select multiple audio tracks and cut and paste.
Good luck with it all!
(12-23-2021, 10:20 AM)Kris Kronar Wrote: [ -> ]Hey. You should maybe do something like use the range tool to select multiple audio tracks and cut and paste.
Good luck with it all!
Hey. You should maybe do something like use the range tool to select multiple audio tracks and cut and paste.
Hey there Kris, thanks for the idea. What I tried on that was to copy the range and paste it in another project. But when you change projects the clipboard gets emptied so basically you cannot copy and paste between projects.
However I could clean the unwanted bits that way and leave only the good parts (the actual songs) and then work on individual clips like that.
Also the guys from extreme wrote me this on youtube:
Quote:To perform a split on multiple tracks at once, it's best you use the 'V5' user interface mode, that is, make sure that in the app's settings, under User interface, the option 'Scroll/Edit' buttons is disabled. This will result in a Select button being displayed. Then in the same 'User interface' settings, set 'Split button behavior' to 'Action'. That turns the Split 'mode' button into an action button: place the green time marker on where you wish to split, then tap on Select and select (tap on) all the clips you wish to split (you can also use the long-tap to multi-select tool) and tap on Split. That should split all clips at the same position.
Alternatively, you can also use the original Split 'Mode' behavior and enable 'Clip magnet' in the Grid options. After you have made the split by entering Split mode and then tapping on the first clip to split, you can now easily split the clips on the same position because the split point will 'snap' to the split point of the first track. Hope this helps.
You could probably just make different save files within the folder and song you are working on by using "Save Project As"
(12-23-2021, 11:36 AM)Kris Kronar Wrote: [ -> ]You could probably just make different save files within the folder and song you are working on by using "Save Project As"
Now that is a terrific idea! Thanks!
Also you could try the "Rename Track" option to help you realise which track is which
(12-23-2021, 11:40 AM)Kris Kronar Wrote: [ -> ]Also you could try the "Rename Track" option to help you realise which track is which
Well the problem there is a particularity to the operation "Select Range" and "Save Range As Files"
When you do that the application asks you to name each file from each track but it ignores the names the tracks already have and asks "File name for Track1"
Otherwise yeah I am already using custom track names
I think that is something that you are going to have to get used to I'm sorry.
But trust me you will!
(Also when saving ranges I usually do them individually so as to not get as confused. It takes a little bit extra time but it can be worth it)
(12-23-2021, 11:54 AM)Kris Kronar Wrote: [ -> ]I think that is something that you are going to have to get used to I'm sorry.
But trust me you will!
(Also when saving ranges I usually do them individually so as to not get as confused. It takes a little bit extra time but it can be worth it)
Yeah that should work for many occasions but in my case I have 8 files in 8 traces that I don't want to loose syncronization. In the end best approach for me is to use range to remove unnecessary bits in the recording ending up with clips that are needed than use "Save Project AS" to work on individual songs.
Thanks a lot my friend!
All good dude. Good luck!
(Also. In regards to synchronisation have you checked out the options in Grid mode. You probably have but in case you haven't you should. You can align and select all the tracks based on where it snaps to in the grid)