eXtream Software Development Forum

Full Version: Tracks/Busses Multiple Outputs
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Hello All,

Having fun getting very familiar with AEM.  It’s a sweet tool for those who create audio.  

Quick question…. While a bus output can be assigned as an input to multiple tracks, is it possible to have a track output or bus output assigned to multiple bus inputs?  

For example, to create a Full Mix with Vocals, while simultaneously creating a Mix-Minus without the vocals.  I appreciate the ability to do parallel processing in the fx chain, and can work suitably well for some parallel bussing tricks, it’s not 100% and doesn’t fully replace flexible bus routing.

I’m curious what others think about this.  Thanks for reading.

You can route the output of a track to a bus. If you need to send the output of a track to multiple busses, you would need to use FX sends.