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Full Version: Bottom Right Play Button Not Work After Last Song In Folder
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UAPP v6.1.1.1

Play button at bottom right is not working after last music in folder, but tap file/song directly to play still work fine

- play last music in last folder with no repeat and no shuffle
[Image: Screenshot-20230724-151812.png]
- before last song ended, play/pause button still working fine
- after last song ended, play button is not working at all
Oh another "bug" that no reasonable person would ever consider a bug.

What exactly should the app play after the "last music" in "last folder" ?
- before last song ended, play/pause button still works, i can repeatedly press play button its working fine

- after last song ended, play button is not working at all

[Image: Screenshot-2023-07-25-181134.jpg]

@WitzyZed nice too see you againĀ  Biggrin