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Full Version: Sony Xperia 10 IV - Can't use HiRes audio driver
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I'm unable to enable the Xperia HiRes driver for playback, when I enable it it warns me with a warning:

Quote:You have changed the 'Internal Audio Driver' settings manually. However, your device has no known configuration for a direct HiRes audio path and may not even have a HiRes DAC. Although the app may display 'Direct', there is no guarantee that the app will play in HiRes live mode. Please contact support at support@extreamsd.com if you have questions about whether your DAC features a HiRes DAC and how to obtain one.

How can I confirm it's working as intended? Is this model supported?

Thanks for the help.
Please enable the HiRes driver manually (first item in the app's settings) and then enable the 32-bit format in the HiRes driver format. Then turn off Dolby in the Android settings. Using this combination, the Sony should play in the highest quality.