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Full Version: Can't get Poweramp Equalizer to work with UAPP
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I am using UAPP to stream my music from Tidal on my android phone. But I can't seem to get Poweramp Equalizer to work with UAPP. It works fine when I use PE with the Tidal app directly, but when I stream Tidal via UAPP it's not working. I know that eq doesn't work in UAPP if you have "Bit Perfect Playback" enabled, but I have that turned OFF. I also know that UAPP has a built-in PEQ, but I have several sets of headphones and iems and all my saved AutoEQ and custom EQ settings are in Poweramp Equalizer, so I prefer to use that application if possible. I love both UAPP and PE and would like to get them to play nice together. I assume there must be some setting to change in UAPP that I am missing, but I can't seem to figure it out. Can someone please help me? I appreciate your advice...
UAPP bypasses the Android audio system, so you cannot use PE with it. You could convert your AutoEQ settings to UAPP presets though.
(06-12-2024, 04:03 PM)dwrae Wrote: [ -> ]UAPP bypasses the Android audio system, so you cannot use PE with it. You could convert your AutoEQ settings to UAPP presets though.

Ok, thank you for your clear and succinct reply. All of my custom EQ settings are backed up as txt files.  Can I import those directly into UAPP?
There is no standard for EQ settings, so if they are from another app, then no. You could perhaps write a script to convert them to the UAPP XML format, but that requires quite some tech knowledge.
(06-17-2024, 10:43 AM)dwrae Wrote: [ -> ]There is no standard for EQ settings, so if they are from another app, then no. You could perhaps write a script to convert them to the UAPP XML format, but that requires quite some tech knowledge.

OK, guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way...one entry at a time! In any case, I love UAPP. It's absolutely the best player available for high quality audio!