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Full Version: UPNP Split Library
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I think it would be great and really increase usability if there was a way to split libraries between UPNP / network sources, and local storage. Or some kind of filter. Mainly because if the device is offline, unplayable items will still be visible in the Library as things are now. Having them together also leads to duplicate items without any way to tell them apart.

Theres definitely advantages to having UPNP shares scanned into the Library, so I don't want to just browse & play, although that is the obvious solution for now.

Just paid for the UPNP feature pack, but between the combined libraries and how long it's going to take to scan my server, I'm not sure I will end up using that feature ?

If a Library source cannot be reached, all items from that source should be disabled. Note that they won't be removed from the Queue. We tested this by adding a folder from internal storage and one from a NAS. Then disabling WiFi would hide all albums from the NAS.