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Full Version: Songs randomly moving forward (Help...)
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Hello All.

First timer here so apologies if this question is a bit basic.

I have the paid version running on my Oppo phone, Android 13.
it sounds great with tweaked EQ, but, I am finding a track will play for a random duration then move on to the next track.
Some play for a few minutes, some for just a few seconds....

I am playing FLAC files from a single folder (about 650 or so tracks) and get the same result even after Queing songs & making a Playlist.
I have cleared and rescanned several timeseescanning the folder and even reinstalling.
I have run through all the settings, tried Play All, Shuffle All, etc.

Perhaps I am missing something simple, don't know.
What am I not seeing or doing wrong...?

Really appreciate any advice.
This basically can only occur when the FLAC file contains errors. After 20 attempts to skip bad blocks, the app gives up and moves to the next track. It will give a message though in this case. So if you can reproduce this with the screen turned on, please see if there is any message when this happens.
Hi dwrae

Thx for the reply.

I have noticed just one error with one song, that is all.
I replaced the song with a fresh copy.
I run the player in front of me and look for any messages with other tracks and see none apart from the one mentioned.
Other players seem to have no issue with the same files, so I thought it may be a setting I had missed, like a sample lay or something...?

Perhaps I could check the files with something to look for errors, any idea on what to use?
I did run the tracks for replay gain through Foobar 2000 and they seemed to have no problem.

Open to clues, with thanks in advance.
Hello Again.

An update for anyone having the same issue.
After a lot of buggerising around, it seems that Win Explorer when transferring my Flacs was corrupting them on the phone via USB.
I checked all of my originals in FLAC Frontend for errors and all were clean.
After a lot of research it seems the Win Explorer was the culprit because when transferring back from the phone, they were corrupt.
(Thx Dwrae for the hint, you were correct)

The Fix:
I used Feem to upload the originals to my Phone again and when checked, they seem OK.

Still testing, but it seems this might be it.
Hope this helps anyone else...