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Full Version: shortcut for arming all tracks
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I want to start a multitrack recording.
Therefore I have to arm all single channels seperately.
Would it be possible to arm all channels with one shortcut ?
Or would it be possible to save the setting of the armed channels in the project ?
Thank you
(01-10-2016, 02:42 PM)ruben35 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello
I want to start a multitrack recording.
Therefore I have to arm all single channels seperately.
Would it be possible to arm all channels with one shortcut ?
Or would it be possible to save the setting of the armed channels in the project ?
Thank you

+1 for this feature, it would be great to arm all tracks at once, or indeed save the setting in the project.
+1 for this feature.  I am using an Android phone so it takes quite a while to arm a lot of tracks.
Yes and for adding multiple audio tracks in one shot.