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I added a server/folder in "Network" of USBAPP.
It was working fine.

But since then, I have moved the drive to another NAS, so that network location is no longer available on my network.

Now, when I select "Network", I get the error:
"Network failure - The network name cannot be found."

That's correct because the server is no longer available.

But, I can't delete that server entry. I can't add another network location either.

If I click on the network location in the list, nothing happens. 

Where do I delete or change the Network server address if the existing server is no longer available?

Am I missing some way to delete or edit the Network folder location?

I deleted the USBAPP app data and cache.
That cleared the network folder list.
I then added the network folders without a problem.

I see now how you can edit and manage the network folders, but before since I only had one network folder entered, when I hit the back button, I kept getting the error message.

So I couldn't get back to the "top" level that shows me the list of network folders. That's why I couldn't edit or delete the entry.
(08-11-2016, 01:49 AM)outofyourhead Wrote: [ -> ]I deleted the USBAPP app data and cache.
That cleared the network folder list.
I then added the network folders without a problem.

I see now how you can edit and manage the network folders, but before since I only had one network folder entered, when I hit the back button, I kept getting the error message.

So I couldn't get back to the "top" level that shows me the list of network folders. That's why I couldn't edit or delete the entry.

I had the same problem. I eventually deleted the previous server profile and re-created a new one.

My problem now is I can't connect to my new server. My previous server was based on OpnemediaVault (running on Raspberry Pi)and I had no problems connecting to via USB Audio Player Pro. However, I had to change my server based on OpenmediaVault to one running Windows IoT 10 (on a raspberrrypi again).

Despite my setup is a lot more stable and accessible from all other LAN computers now, I haven't got to connect to it from my Android phone.

Is there anything I'm missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Have you tried by both IP address and name? Does it have a username and password that you created yourself or is it the default or no password?
(09-11-2016, 10:49 AM)dwrae Wrote: [ -> ]Have you tried by both IP address and name? Does it have a username and password that you created yourself or is it the default or no password?


Thank you very much for your reply.

Yes, I tried both IP address and name to no avail. (//rpinas/sharename - 192.168.X.XX)
I created a username and password as per advice on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLGEjtDwucs

Kind regards,
ok, did you start the address with smb:// like smb://192.168.x.xx ?
(09-12-2016, 10:24 AM)dwrae Wrote: [ -> ]ok, did you start the address with smb:// like smb://192.168.x.xx ?

Yes, exactly.

One one occasion I started the address with smb://192.168.X.XX, on another I added ''sharename'' according to the server created on the above video (smb://192.168.X.XX/sharename) and one third try, I tried smb://rpinas//sharename and smb://rpinas.

The strange thing is that I have no problem to connect to the server from 2 other computers running windows in my LAN. However, accessing my server from USB Audio Player Pro is one of the main reasons I created this server in the first place and would be very nice to have this ability!

I wish I could stay with OMV with which I had no problems with USB Audio player Pro but unfortunately, that's not an option, at least with my current setup.

Thank you very much for all your help! I really appreciate it and by the way, USB Audio Pro is by far the best Android Audio Player  have used that allows audio from external USB DACs.
Could you please enable 'Logging to file' in the app's settings, then try to access your samba server and after that fails, send the file UAPP.txt from your UAPP folder to info@extreamsd.com with a little note referring to this thread please?
(09-13-2016, 10:30 AM)dwrae Wrote: [ -> ]Could you please enable 'Logging to file' in the app's settings, then try to access your samba server and after that fails, send the file UAPP.txt from your UAPP folder to info@extreamsd.com with a little note referring to this thread please?

I just sent you the UAPP txt as requested.

Thanks for all your help.