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Full Version: Uapp OpenHome renderer
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I'm a relatively new user of uapp.
It's been working great for me so far. 

I was wondering if there was an option to create an OpenHome renderer in uapp? I've searched through the menus without success.

My alternative approach was to use bubbleupnp server to create an OpenHome renderer over uapp's renderer. 

 That typically works well, but for some reason, i haven't managed to get it working yet (I've asked for help in the bubbleupnp server forum).

Any other ideas?

Any help/suggestion would be appreciated.


Ok it, seemed that a simple restart of Bubbleupnp server did the trick.
I now have an openhome renderer using uapp's renderer combined with bubbleupnp server.

This solution works fine.

Are there any plan to integrate the openhome protocol in uapp directly to avoid using a third party app?
