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Full Version: Sort in genres tab
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Very much enjoy USB Pro on my Galaxy S5, listening through a Dragonfly Red. One thing I can't work out how to do and can't find any threads about here.

I use the "genre" tab quite often. In USB Pro I can't see how to sort by album title once I'm in genre; it always seem to come up in album artist order which isn't much use to me; I can remember titles but not artists. It's fine in the Albums tab and I'm pretty sure I've got the metadata right as every other player I useĀ gets the album title from my files.

How can I sort by Album title in the genre tab?

Many thanks for any help!
There is currently no option to do that, we'll put it on the todo list.
(07-06-2017, 12:49 PM)dwrae Wrote: [ -> ]There is currently no option to do that, we'll put it on the todo list.

Ah, OK, thanks. It might be particularly welcome for people who listen to classical music as combinations of orchestras, conductors etc are hard to keep consistent and don't necessarily help you get to albums with the same composer for example.

Apart from that it's a great player.