eXtream Software Development Forum

Full Version: comping, track number
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Many thanks again for the latest update (Very good for the safety of our projects).

Maybe that I already mentioned it somewhere, but I think that one of the most missing feature is subtracks (and of course time signature and tempo change, but the thread already exists.)
It could be very nice to be able to record several takes within a loop without having to stop, erase and record again and that for any kind of track (midi, audio, Virtual instr.). It would make the work of comping much more easier (for audio). Very useful for midi editing as well if you want to record one voice at a time for an harmonized trumpet sct for example.
That make me remember that the possibility to merge midi clips is missing too.

When we rename a track, we feel very fast and badly the miss of the numbers, especially when there is a lot of tracks when you want ro add and move a new one or for colour attribution (with your system "same as track nbr"). could it be possible that it still appear somewhere or replace the numbers with the names in the lists (replacing, colour... dialogs windows)

Thanks. AND IT'S NOT BECAUSE I ASK YOU SO MUCH THAT I DON'T LIKE YOUR APP. FOR ME, IT'S AN AMAZING ONE. Probably the best of its kind on Android. So keep working on it... and BRAVO again!

Kind regards
