eXtream Software Development Forum

Full Version: Version 3.8.5 trouble
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Version 3.8.5 no works for me, but 3.8.0 mostly works.
Hardware and base software are same.

In 3.8.5 sound are with a rasp for all settings of a tweaks and buffer size.
In 3.8.0 sound is clear with Tweek for devices with root access, USB tweek 1 and USB tweek 2.
Please state which Android device and DAC you are using.
I'm using MINIX Neo X7 box with Wasser (Android 5.1.1) firmware.
The DAC is China Breeze Audio AK4399 USB DAC.

DAC works "out of box" in Alsa.
Please contact us directly at info@extreamsd.com, then we can send you all versions between 3.8.0 and 3.8.5 to see where it went wrong.