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Full Version: No Native DSD Only (DSD to PCM) White Noise
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UAPP is not sending any DSD to my USB DAC from my LG K20 V (a.k.a.  LG VS501).  It's Android 7.0.
When I set UAPP to "Native DSD" (and all set to bitperfect) all I get is extremely loud "white noise" (or "Pink noise") which is that static hiss sound like someone saying an endless "Shhhhhhhh" continuously real loud.

But UAPP is doing a great job sending very high res *.FLAC files.
But the only way I can hear a bitperfect native DSD file (even DSD64) is to set UAPP to convert DSD to PCM.  It does that well and sounds good but I bought UAPP for the sole purpose of transferring bitperfect native DSD512 to my USB DAC.

I do have a legit OTG cable and the end labeled "host" is plugged into my phone.
The USB DAC definitely accepts bitperfect native DSD512 and it even displays 512 when I send it a DSD512 from a different source than my phone.  The USB DAC displays the exact resolution that it is receiving.

Your help suggestions is greatly appreciated

Kind thanks,
it is fixed.  The problem is that when you have "Native DSD" turned on, you must turn off the "bitperfect" in all 3 of the places where UAPP allows you to turn OFF "bitperfect".  Now my USB DAC confirms that indeed it is receiving the "Native DSD".  It now plays DSD512 perfectly.  Users should be aware that in the "Native DSD" mode, the app does not allow adjustment of the volume so you must have a means to control the volume outside of the phone...which I do so I LOVE LOVE UAPP.
(03-11-2020, 08:21 PM)eddiegnz1 Wrote: [ -> ]it is fixed.  The problem is that when you have "Native DSD" turned on, you must turn off the "bitperfect" in all 3 of the places where UAPP allows you to turn OFF "bitperfect".  Now my USB DAC confirms that indeed it is receiving the "Native DSD".  It now plays DSD512 perfectly.  Users should be aware that in the "Native DSD" mode, the app does not allow adjustment of the volume so you must have a means to control the volume outside of the phone...which I do so I LOVE LOVE UAPP.

Hi there, 

I am having the same problem and I have only found 2 locations where to disable bitperfect.  Where is the third one?

If the DAC supports internal hardware volume control (that isn't digital gain), then you can adjust the hardware volume, even when playing DoP or DSD.
(03-11-2020, 08:21 PM)eddiegnz1 Wrote: [ -> ]it is fixed.  The problem is that when you have "Native DSD" turned on, you must turn off the "bitperfect" in all 3 of the places where UAPP allows you to turn OFF "bitperfect".  Now my USB DAC confirms that indeed it is receiving the "Native DSD".  It now plays DSD512 perfectly.  Users should be aware that in the "Native DSD" mode, the app does not allow adjustment of the volume so you must have a means to control the volume outside of the phone...which I do so I LOVE LOVE UAPP.

I had the same problem, but this fix didn't work for me (and I never found the 3rd place to turn off bit prefect anyway). So I started a new thread which quickly elicited a different solution which did work for me. See:
