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Editing Velocity issue.
I have contacted Davy the AEM developer about this but I'm not sure I explained properly as he suggested I use the velocity slider.

Say I want to create a velocity ramp in this case with 16th and 32nd note hi hats over 2 bars, using the velocity slider as Davy suggested would be a very tedious process.

So selecting just the Hi hats and then with note velocity selected drawing the velocity ramp does not just change the selected hihats but all the other drums velocities.

So my work around involves duplicating the track deleting all other drums apart from the hi hats, drawing the velocity ramp, copy these hats, then paste into the original track.

The DAW Ardour (and probably other DAWs) has a neat trick to create velocity ramps, when selecting a group of notes one of the options is change velocity from n to n over selected range, this in Audio Evolution mobile would be very helpful.
(04-09-2023, 01:14 AM)Paul_Dablue Wrote: I have contacted Davy the AEM developer about this but I'm not sure I explained properly as he suggested I use the velocity slider.

Say I want to create a velocity ramp in this case with 16th and 32nd note hi hats over 2 bars, using the velocity slider as Davy suggested would be a very tedious process.

So selecting just the Hi hats and then with note velocity selected drawing the velocity ramp does not just change the selected hihats but all the other drums velocities.

So my work around involves duplicating the track deleting all other drums apart from the hi hats, drawing the velocity ramp, copy these hats, then paste into the original track.

The DAW Ardour (and probably other DAWs) has a neat trick to create velocity ramps, when selecting a group of notes one of the options is change velocity from n to n over selected range, this in Audio Evolution mobile would be very helpful.

You could perhaps convert to a drum pattern track. Then you can change the volume for a drum 'lane' instead of all events in the range.
Yeah I hear what you are saying, I have experimented with the Drum track but I need to also be able to define the length of specific drum hits, making an open hi hat shorter for example, and I need to also be able to velocity ramp a series of musical notes, and I'm pretty sure you can only do those things in the piano roll.

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