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LG8.3 - USB Audio Recorder Pro

I've got Audiorecorder Pro and try to make it work on LG 8.3 Pad connected to an externally powered Steinberg UR22 MkII
audio interface. I connect the UR22 MKII and a LED lights up permanently, indicating that USB is active.
I start USB Audiorecorder Pro and get "Audio Interface initialized".

I start RECORD, the time counter runs and the upside slider display moves.
But in some cases i can see the VU Audiometer, in other cases i cannot see it, actually I don't see it.
After a few seconds of recording I get

"Error: No input Channel"

and the app seems to be crashed, no further recording is possible.
I can select a file for playback but it can not be startet.

I disconnect USB, close the App, reconnect USB, wait for the LED on the UR22 MKII, start the app and make a very short
recording, say 3 seconds, and stop recording. I can select a recording and can start it, but in some cases i can hear the sound on my tablet, in other cases I can not. In some times I get the Audometer, in other cases I do not. After a short time the app will crash again showing

"Disconnecting a USB audo device...).

But I didn't disconnect it and the LED on the UR22 MKII lights permanently. (When I do disconnect USB, it would darken).

Further Problems are:

The app "forgets" its IO-settings
The button "Mon" has no effect.

As long as the LED on the UR22 MKII lights up it is possible to use use interface manually (setting IO-level,
phantom power, phone level an so on), suggesting, that the USB driver in the tablet is still active,
even when tha app has crashed.

The LG8.3 tablet is in "Fligt mode".
I tried different buffer sizes.

I DO NOT ENCOUNTER ANY PROBLEM ON OTHER USB APPS (such as camera control...) on my LG 8.3 tablet.

Please HELP!
It still sounds like a power issue. Please elaborate how you power the UR22 and which mA rating your power adapter has.
(12-02-2015, 03:31 PM)dwrae Wrote: It still sounds like a power issue. Please elaborate how you power the UR22 and which mA rating your power adapter has.

My powersupply is good for 1,8 Amperes. I tried another one, tried also different cables, OTGs and i measured  under duty 5,01 volt USB supply by means of an oscilloscope and v-meter. There are no surges or spikes or other signals.

So it is not a supply problem. Did you really test the UR22 MKII and the LG 8.3 under your software ???
We don't have a LG 8.3 and we probably have a mk1 UR22. If you get "Disconnecting a USB audo device.." then either the OTG cable came loose or is faulty (the UR22 is powered by the adapter) or the UR22 got 'banned' from the USB bus for some reason (not by the app). Are you using an OTG-Y cable? If so, we've had many reports of those causing troubles. If you have a powered USB hub, it would be the next thing to try.
(12-03-2015, 01:33 PM)dwrae Wrote: We don't have a LG 8.3 and we probably have a mk1 UR22. If you get "Disconnecting a USB audo device.." then either the OTG cable came loose or is faulty (the UR22 is powered by the adapter) or the UR22 got 'banned' from the USB bus for some reason (not by the app). Are you using an OTG-Y cable? If so, we've had many reports of those causing troubles. If you have a powered USB hub, it would be the next thing to try.

No, I don't use an OTG-Y cable, I tried different standard OTGs, even a brand new one.
Now I tried to take USB power by a powered (2 Amperes) USB Hub as you told me to do but the trouble remains.

Than I tried with a simple USB audio "stick" TP6911 and this one works     WITHOUT ANY PROBLEMS  .    Even if I shake the
OTG or pull and push it slightly about half a mm the USB connection remains stable.

I encountered another issue with the UR22 MKII connected: Even during the few moment it works, I get no access
to the mixer menue. I get "The device has no mixer control".
Using the TP6911 I get it.

But the TP6911 is not what I want to use. In any other environment the UR22 MKII works flawlessly.

Can I do anything else to locate the problem?
The fact that you do not see hardware mixer controls is normal since the UR22 doesn't have such controls.

Could you please do the following:

* Start the app
* Select the Prefs tab, Logging and select 'Log to file'
* Select the Prefs tab and enable 'Force 1 packet per transfer'
* Select the Prefs tab and enable 'Always keep screen on'
* Select the Prefs tab and disable 'Software monitoring'
* Exit the app
* Restart your Android device with the UR22 connected to a powered USB hub.

* Start the app
* Select the I/O tab and select a buffer size of 4096 frames
* Record until the problem occurs.
* Stop
* Exit the app
* Please send the log file USBAudioLog.txt that is placed in the root of your device to
I did as you told me to. Please see the attatchment.
Could you please state under which name or email address you sent it?
(12-12-2015, 01:07 PM)dwrae Wrote: Could you please state under which name or email address you sent it?

I sent it twice.
One time logged in as

Funkpurzel as  attachment in this forum and one time under to
I'm afraid I cannot see an attachment in the thread, neither can we find an email from that address. Can you try again please?

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