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Fast forward\Rewind
Hi, purchased your wonderful product. But some things don't work.
I use Media Button Reciver (xposed PBMC, smart watch etc) to control the player.
Play\Pause, Next\Previous track work as they should. But Fast Forward\Rewind unfortunately not work. When i press the  button (next or previous), it just switches to the next track.
In other players everything works fine.
I have not found what intents the player can accept for control from media button, for example for volume:

If it's a bug, please can you fix it, if not, please add FF\Rewind functions (and if possible, speed step option) in next releases 
Thank you for you job.

Messages In This Thread
Fast forward\Rewind - by fttlov - 12-24-2020, 06:27 PM
RE: Fast forward\Rewind - by dwrae - 12-25-2020, 12:48 PM

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