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Show Folder in Music Player similiar function like "Show Album"
(07-23-2023, 01:07 PM)WitzyZed Wrote: You keep bringing up musicbee like there's supposed to be some level of parity between two completely independent applications on two different platforms.

mobile apps will never up par to desktop apps its two completely independent applications on two different platforms, please dont compare them seriously, i just mention one of small benefit of navigation it has there

however the idea that i suggest has possibility for mobile implementation

i just found out UAPP has been implement the idea of Locate/Jump to Library. it was "Show Album" if you tap it navigate music player to library album
[Image: Screenshot-20230723-182543177.png]
[Image: Screenshot-20230723-182509800.png]

Same with "Show Album", then i would suggest "Show Folder" with similiar function but to folder view

p.s: i just changed the title

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RE: Locate/Jump to Folder/Library in Music Player - by SasukeVita - 07-23-2023, 01:42 PM

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