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Static, DAC goes out after 7 seconds
Hello, hello.

I just received my FiiO E18. I unboxed it and got it connected to the Android device in my car. It connects, I am prompted to use USB Audio Player Pro, and when I start to play a file, all is well and then I get an error message and the music stops playing.

Quote:Error setting alt setting: 0

I have root and have tried the various tweaks in the settings to see if that helped but not much. Originally, the buffer was set to 100ms but it caused the sound to be very staticy. Reduced it to only 25ms and the static is gone but music can only be played for about 7 seconds.

I was wondering if it was the FiiO DAC device itself but it plays without issue when connected to my Macbook.

Where do I begin to narrow down the cause of the issue?

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Static, DAC goes out after 7 seconds - by supaneko - 01-19-2016, 04:34 AM

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