08-28-2016, 01:03 AM
Hello jacobacci
Thisq was true before.., and it was very convenient.
Now, with ver 3.1.3, you can go to "n" directory levels up, go back to the "now playing" screen, but then you have no way to go to the directory just superior : the back arrow takes you to the directoiry number "n".
You don't even have the possibility to identify the folder containing the played file.
And the is a pity...
Thisq was true before.., and it was very convenient.
Now, with ver 3.1.3, you can go to "n" directory levels up, go back to the "now playing" screen, but then you have no way to go to the directory just superior : the back arrow takes you to the directoiry number "n".
You don't even have the possibility to identify the folder containing the played file.
And the is a pity...