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discontinuous recording XR18 / HTC10

I have done a first attempt in recording using the USB Audio Recorder Pro, with the following:

- Behringer XR18 "Stagebox"-style Mixing desk, offering 18 Channels of USB I/O
- USB-Type B to USB-C OTG adapter cable
- HTC 10 running Android 8.0.0,fast SD-Card
- USB Audio recorder Pro (paid version) with default settings, selected Multi-channel recording

I have recorded a live band for around 2 hours. The resulting WAV files (9 files) contain 32-bit float stereo tracks, and are around 2GB each

This all went smooth. However, in post procesing, I noted, that every few minutes, there is a ~5 second long audio segment missing, and replcaed with a later  segment (and hence duplicated).

To illustrate:

I would expect 
   [...][t-2][t-1][t  ][t+1][t+2][...]
but I get
(each "[]" denotes a 5-scond audio block):

This happens on all 18 channels at the very same instant, and reappears every 4-5 minutes. 

At this stage, I am asking where you would suspect the issue to come from, and recommendations/experience how to work around this:

- Could this "buffer skip and repeat next buffer" be on the phone side? The phone was not used for anything else during the recording  time, but was connected to both Wifi and 4G. 
- Could a buggy OTG cable cause this?
- Would increasing buffer size in the App, or any other tweaking cure this?
Would it help to activate airplane mode on the phone?

Any help appreciated


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discontinuous recording XR18 / HTC10 - by damm301 - 08-27-2018, 01:56 PM

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