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Odd Merge Behavior
I had a couple of MIDI clips (the purple ones) hit the edit button up top, long pressed on the first MIDI clip and selected "Merge Clips". As you can see the results are weird....long notes, etc.

(11-14-2015, 05:10 AM)James J Wrote: I had a couple of MIDI clips (the purple ones) hit the edit button up top, long pressed on the first MIDI clip and selected "Merge Clips". As you can see the results are weird....long notes, etc.

ok I think what it is is if the NOTE OFF message is outside the edges of the clip, upon merging, the note is extended all the way until there's another NOTE OFF message for the same note.  But the NOTE OFF message should occur at the location of the edge of the clip before merging (if it crosses the edge)

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