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Removal of volume button if volume control is disabled settings
I disabled volume control in settings (as HW volume control does not work with my device). 
When I press the volume button it says "Volume control disabled in Settings!".
I would prefer to not show this button when volume control is disabled as well as hiding the "Hardware Volume" entry in the menu.
Extended to "removal of all unnecessary UI elements when "bit perfect" option is activated"...
I'll just paste something from stackoverflow here about UI design (in short, we won't do it, sorry) :

"You need to weigh discoverability with user satisfaction, among other things. For example, allowing an invalid action gives you an opportunity to explain why something is invalid. This is particularly useful if the answer to "why is this disabled" isn't obvious. For an application where most users are beginners, that's important.

On the other hand, it can be mightily frustrating to see a control, click on it, only to be rewarded with a "sorry, you can't do that now" message. An app I inherited a couple years back was rife with that sort of stuff and it made using the UI an exercise in frustration.

Completely hiding functionality is probably rarely a good idea. Imagine knowing some feature "was there a minute ago" but now it's gone. Whether it's a menu item or a toolbar button or something else entirely, making it hidden can be an exercise in frustration for the end user."
I see, thanks for your reply.

Quote:it can be mightily frustrating to see a control, click on it, only to be rewarded with a "sorry, you can't do that now" message.
That describes my point of view well... Almost half of the UI elements just tell me they cannot be used. 

Quote:Imagine knowing some feature "was there a minute ago" but now it's gone.
"volume control->none" as well as "Bitperfect->active" setting is not default setting. So when I intentionally do this setting, I might be not surprised when some UI elements are gone afterwards. 

I understand there can be different opinions about this, but I prefer minimalistic UI Biggrin

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