When Onkyo Granbeat plays 256 DSD file, the sample rate is always 48000 Hz and it is not DIRECT mode with 192000 Hz and 16 bit as stated in http://www.extreamsd.com/index.php/hires-audio-driver
The stock Onkyo app always have OFFLOAD mode when play anything like 256 DSD like following:
Your app is good at Hi-res FLAC, WAVE (192000Hz/24bit) with DIRECT mode like this
Besides, when I setup HiRes driver flags with Offload, it's always failed to setup HiRes.
I think your app use DIRECT mode with Snapdragon, not internal ESS Sabre DAC. So please help investigating this case and let me know if you need more info
The stock Onkyo app always have OFFLOAD mode when play anything like 256 DSD like following:
Output thread 0xab8acc28 type 4 (OFFLOAD):
Thread name: AudioOut_D6D
I/O handle: 3437
TID: 18699
Standby: no
Sample rate: 192000 Hz
HAL frame count: 61440
HAL format: 0x1a000004 (pcm-24bit-offload)
HAL buffer size: 61440 bytes
Channel count: 2
Channel mask: 0x00000003 (front-left, front-right)
Format: 0x1a000004 (pcm-24bit-offload)
Frame size: 1 bytes
Pending config events: none
Output device: 0x8 (WIRED_HEADPHONE)
Input device: 0 (NONE)
Audio source: 0 (default)
Normal frame count: 61440
Last write occurred (msecs): 34
Total writes: 140
Delayed writes: 0
Blocked in write: yes
Suspend count: 0
Sink buffer : 0xab887760
Mixer buffer: 0xab8cbe80
Effect buffer: 0xf43fe020
Fast track availMask=0xfe
AudioStreamOut: 0xab4157b0 flags 0x4031 (DIRECT|COMPRESS_OFFLOAD|NON_BLOCKING|
Stream volumes in dB: 0:-28, 1:-30, 2:-39, 3:-30, 4:-30, 5:-30, 6:0, 7:-18, 8:
-23, 9:-96, 10:-23, 11:0, 12:0
Normal mixer raw underrun counters: partial=0 empty=0
1 Tracks of which 1 are active
Name Active Client Type Fmt Chn mask Session fCount S F SRate L dB R
dB Server Main buf Aux Buf Flags UndFrmCnt
none yes 16731 3 1A000004 00000003 3436 122880 A 3 192000 0
0 00843000 0xab887760 0x0 0x000 0
0 Effect Chains
Your app is good at Hi-res FLAC, WAVE (192000Hz/24bit) with DIRECT mode like this
Output thread 0xab8acc28 type 1 (DIRECT):
Thread name: AudioOut_D83
I/O handle: 3459
TID: 19005
Standby: no
Sample rate: 192000 Hz
HAL frame count: 7680
HAL format: 0x1 (pcm16)
HAL buffer size: 30720 bytes
Channel count: 2
Channel mask: 0x00000003 (front-left, front-right)
Format: 0x1 (pcm16)
Frame size: 4 bytes
Pending config events: none
Output device: 0x8 (WIRED_HEADPHONE)
Input device: 0 (NONE)
Audio source: 0 (default)
Normal frame count: 7680
Last write occurred (msecs): 20
Total writes: 666
Delayed writes: 0
Blocked in write: yes
Suspend count: 0
Sink buffer : 0xab8ae9c0
Mixer buffer: 0xab887760
Effect buffer: 0xab8cbe80
Fast track availMask=0xfe
AudioStreamOut: 0xab468720 flags 0x2001 (DIRECT|0x2000)
Stream volumes in dB: 0:-28, 1:-30, 2:-39, 3:-30, 4:-30, 5:-30, 6:0, 7:-18, 8:
-23, 9:-96, 10:-23, 11:0, 12:0
Normal mixer raw underrun counters: partial=0 empty=0
1 Tracks of which 1 are active
Name Active Client Type Fmt Chn mask Session fCount S F SRate L dB R
dB Server Main buf Aux Buf Flags UndFrmCnt
none yes 14414 3 00000001 00000003 3458 131072 A 3 192000 0
0 004E2A00 0xab8ae9c0 0x0 0x000 0
0 Effect Chains
Besides, when I setup HiRes driver flags with Offload, it's always failed to setup HiRes.
I think your app use DIRECT mode with Snapdragon, not internal ESS Sabre DAC. So please help investigating this case and let me know if you need more info